The United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia are emerging as key players in the gaming market across the Middle East, considering both governments are investing in the potential market.

According to a study shared by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), titled, "Game Changer: Accelerating the Media Industry's Most Dynamic Sector," more than 60% of the Middle East population are gaming enthusiasts.

Dr. Alexander Schudey, Managing Director & Partner at BCG noted that the Middle East is a key player in the global gaming market as it showed an "impressive penetration rate and a strong commitment from governments to invest in the sector," Zawya reported.

UAE and Saudi Arabia's focus on the gaming sector and the establishments dedicated to gaming have attracted gaming companies from across the globe.

"The young and digitally savvy population, particularly in Saudi Arabia, where 70% of the population is below the age of 30, combined with higher disposable incomes and a preference for indoor activities due to the hot weather, further contribute to the region's thriving gaming ecosystem," Schudey continued.

Principal at BCG, Pavel Kasperovich, said that the Middle East's gaming market is diverse as it consists of both - casual and core gamers. Both kinds of gamers are equally contributing to enhancing the gaming sector.

"The region's focus on mobile gaming and the continued popularity of console and PC games demonstrate its adaptability and potential for further expansion," Kasperovich explained. "The significant government commitment, such as Saudi Arabia's $38 billion investment in gaming companies and Abu Dhabi's attractive incentives for gaming businesses, highlights the region's dedication to fostering a thriving gaming industry."

Kasperovich further shared that the esports and gaming sector has attracted more tourism in the UAE and Saudi Arabia as it "presents a unique opportunity to market these experiences to a global audience."

Considering Saudi Arabia, the country plans to create 30 games, which will help to create 40,000 jobs by 2030. These 30 games will be a part of its National Gaming and Esports Strategy, which was announced by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in September last year.

UAE, on the other hand, is supporting local talents under Abu Dhabi Gaming and the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre's Gaming Centre by providing incentives.

DMCC joined hands with Yalla Esports in December to launch the DMCC gaming center in Dubai, which provided access to gaming businesses. Such centers are making the UAE more business-friendly for international gaming developers as they can establish their headquarters in the country.

For instance, Assassin's Creed games, originally from France, is based in Abu Dhabi while China's Tencent has set up its headquarters in Dubai.

Aside from the gaming industry, a report by Amazon Web Services (AWS) disclosed last month that UAE can add $181 billion to the country's economy by 2033 if they increase the use of cloud technology.

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